The 7 Tantric Initiations

1. The initiation in Sexual Continence – Mastery over the Sexual Energies:

According to Tantra, sexual energy is a powerful energetic source that can be used for personal development, through retaining and amplifying this energy within the body. Tantric teachings state that to do this, men should learn to separate the process of orgasm from the process of ejaculation which serves an entirely different function in the body. In a similar way women can learn how to diminish or potentially even completely stop their menstrual flow (being their biggest loss of sexual energy). In this way one can experience increased pleasure (becoming multi-orgasmic) and at the same time experience an increase of energy in the entire being. This initiation will teach the practical techniques for controlling and developing these capacities.

2. The initiation in the Law of Resonance:

This Initiation in the Law of Resonance explains how we create our own life circumstances, although usually in a completely unconscious way. Once we understand this important principle, we can start to consciously create our lives the way we want them to be. This Initiation outlines the subtle structure of the human being (the 5 bodies and the 7 chakras) and the way this structure creates what we know as ourselves and the reality of our lives.

3. The initiation in the Power of Shakti:

The eternal game between feminine and masculine energies creates the entire manifestation of existence. Understanding the nature of these energies, the interaction between them within our being, and how to use them harmoniously in our everyday life is essential for being in harmony with the universe and using our inner resources wisely. This Initiation explains the manifestation of the polarity between feminine and masculine energies in our lives. It will especially focus on the power of the feminine energy (Shakti) which is the power of creation itself.

4. The initiation in Awareness and Relaxation:

Awareness and relaxation are two necessary elements required to enable us to control any energy and any situation in our lives. As such, these are also key elements in the process of controlling the sexual energy. This Initiation teaches us how to become more relaxed without losing our awareness, and also how to become more aware without losing our state of relaxation.

5. The initiation in Masculinity – from Boy to Man: (for male members)

There is a distinct lack of real men in this world, and the world is suffering as a result. According to Tantra, the state of polarity is essential for a strong, harmonious couple relationship. In order to create polarity, a man needs to manifest in a masculine way and a woman in a feminine way, thus becoming polar opposites which attract each other. In this way they create more energy for the development of their relationship and themselves as individuals. This Initiation outlines the ideal masculine qualities and how one can develop them consciously.

5. The initiation in Femininity: (for female members)

In the modern world there are few women who are fully awakened to their true potential. According to Tantra, the state of polarity is essential for a strong, harmonious couple relationship. In order to create polarity, a man needs to manifest in a masculine way and a woman in a feminine way, thus becoming polar opposites which attract each other. In this way they create more energy for the development of their relationship and themselves as individuals. This Initiation outlines the ideal feminine qualities and how one can develop them consciously.

6. The initiation in Multi-Orgasmic Man: (for male members)

A Multi-Orgasmic Man is one who can experience many orgasms, one after the other, at many levels of the body and mind, without ejaculating and thus losing his energy. This Initiation teaches more techniques and attitudes that are essential knowledge for becoming a real Multi-Orgasmic Man.

7. The initiation in Tantric Orgasm for Women: (for female members)

There are many different types of orgasms which can be experienced by an awakened woman. Each kind of orgasm is a gateway to another type of energy and another state of consciousness. This Initiation will reveal the different types of Tantric orgasms and how to experience them.

7. The initiation in Sacred Sexuality:

This Initiation will present the ways in which Tantra approaches sexuality and lovemaking as a spiritual tool. We are given our sexuality as a powerful tool to reach higher states of consciousness. Among all the experiences of a human being, the erotic union between a man and a woman is one of the deepest and strongest. Sexual desire is the most powerful physical experience we have, which is what makes it so easily accessible. Tantra offers methods to transform this powerful energy into spiritual ecstasy. This Initiation will reveal the way to transform sexual interaction into a sacred art, teaching the 9 steps of Tantric lovemaking, but replacing the lovemaking part with a Tantric massage.

Tantra says ‘One gram of practise is worth tonnes of theory’!